Institute of Economic and Social Systems "IESS"
The Institute of Economic and Social Systems “IESS" is established
The Institute of Economic and Social Systems "IESS" (General Incorporated Association) was established on April 1 2020 (Reiwa2) by leaders from the business, academia and other sectors, with the aim of exploring "a socio-economic system that we shall seek in the 21st century" and realizing "well-being of people".
<Goals of IESS>
Today, all of us on this planet are facing COVID-19, the worst crisis since World War II. The real value of the government's response and of our humanity are questioned.
Besides the problem of this pandemic, the world has been facing radical structural changes, which could be understood as a "paradigm shift": the worsening of global environmental issues including climate change, stronger opposition against the market economy and globalization due to widening income inequality, and rapid demographical changes including population aging and depopulation. Furthermore, while speedy innovation centered around digital and bio-technology brings hope for the future, developed economies are said to have fallen into a state of "secular tagnation"., creating anxiety over future employment opportunities.
There are also changes in people's perception of values. In addition to economic wealth, people are seeking more diversity in what we should consider as values, including healthy and safe living, enjoyment and fulfillment of the heart, sustainable natural and social environment, and inclusive and diverse social system.
In this time of "paradigm shift", it is impossible to overcome crises by simply referring to the success stories and prescriptions of the past. It is essential for governments and other stakeholders to work on the reforming of the economic and social system (socio-economic system) itself. In particular, taking into account the recent progress of digitalization and improvement in access to informations, the private sector, such as companies, consumers, workers and citizens are expected to take a greater role in this reform.
Based on these recognitions, the Institute of Economic and Social Systems will work towards realizing the "Agenda for the Nation". It will conduct objective research and awareness surveys inorder to understand the substance of issues, and publish recommendations to contribute to the realization of the agenda.
Note: Upon inauguration of the Institute of Economic and Social Systems (IESS) , the Nippon Research Institute (NIRI) was abolished and its functions were taken over by the IESS.
"Agenda for the Nation" Research Project
The Institute of Economic and Social Systems will work on the "Agenda for the Nation" research project, focusing on the following themes:
Joint research 1: "The role of companies in the 21st century"We have started the "KAITEKI Study Group" in 2019. "KAITEKI" in this context means "Making the natural and social environment sustainable and comfortable".
- Survey to understand the public's awareness on social issues, such as awareness for improving sustainability of the natural and social environmen.
- Investigate relationships between financial/non-financial information and corporate value of companies.
- Research on the role that companies should play in order to realize "KAITEKI" (initiatives for KAITEKI by companies, including innovation and development of evaluation criteria and improved communication with stakeholders such as consumers and workers), the role of the government (regulation, taxation, redistribution policy, etc.), etc.
Research to identify new measurements that shall be directly linked to well-being of people. Identify new roles shared by the government and the private sector under the "paradigm shift", and make recommendations for policy implementation including planning, setting regulations, budgeting, taxing, organizational management, etc.
Joint research 3: "Education Systems, Human Resource Investment and R&D Investment in the 21st Century"Research to enhance supporting systems for the promotion of intangible assets investment, such as education, human resources and R&D, which are becoming more and more important under the "paradigm shift".
Joint research 4: "Regional Economic Circulation System and Local Communities in the 21st Century"Research on approaches to fostering and revitalizing communities affected by aging and depopluation, by acknowledging diverse pathways to development and activating regional economic circulation.
April 8,2020 | The nation's awareness of life and work satisfaction,
and consumer expectation ![]() |
Chief Director
Former Vice Minister, The Cabinet Office
Dr. KOBAYASHI Yoshimitsu
Chairman of Keizai Doyukai (2015~2018)
Chairman, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings
Director of the Board, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation
Vice Chairman
Chairman Emeritus, The Japan Research Institute, Limited
MORINO Tetsuji
Special Adviser, Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
Representative Director, Senior Executive Corporate Officer, Kikkoman Corporation
Research Adviser
JINNO Naohiko
Emeritus Professor, The University of Tokyo
Former President, Japan College of Social Work
Dr. IWATA Kazumasa
Former Deputy Governor of the Bank of Japan
President, Japan Center for Economic Research
Representative Director, Director of the Board, President The KAITEKI Institute, Inc.
Dr. OSHIO Takashi
Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
Dr. KAWAGOE Masaaki
Professor, Nihon University College of Economics.
IWAGUCHI Toshifumi
Chairman, RECOF DATA Corporation
SUZUKI Inahiro
Former President & Representative Director, NIPPON RESEARCH CENTER,LTD
FUJIOKA Bunshichi
Senior Managing Director, Japan Vietnam Economic Forum (JVEF)
Certified Public Accountant, Inoue Audit Corporation
Burex Bldg. 9th Floor,
3-5-2 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083, Japan
Phone: +81(3)5216-7311
Fax: +81(3)5216-7316